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100% Pure 098 Kawasaki

2000One,  2015 / 2 Tracks / 100% Pure / PURE098 / € 14.90
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    01. Kawasaki

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    02. Organic

2000 AND ONE (aka Dylan Hermelijn) has been on the forefront of electronic dance music since the late eighties. His pioneering vision across more than two decades of music genres now ranks him as one of the most versatile, in-demand international artists, commanding weekly performances on the house, techno and tech-house global club and festival circuits.

Not only recognized as a magnet for the clubbing crowds, he is also credited for championing the sounds of Amsterdam’s new school DJ and Producer generation and propelling the scene’s visibility into the international club headlights with his six Amsterdam based labels, of which the oldest, 100% Pure, celebrated its 20-year anniversary in 2013.

Now 2000 and One strikes again with his cutting edge signature style presenting Kawasaki’ EP, paying homage to the struggle for power within the samurai clans (1051-1063) in Japan, known as the battle of Kawasaki.

Title track Kawasaki’, is a peak time Techno tune to slice the dance floor into pieces. The yet smoother solid groove of Organic’ has an authentic Detroit Techno sound apt to building a set.

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  • cover play_circle_filled

    01. Kawasaki

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    02. Organic

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